Thursday, September 10, 2009

What I love about America

The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness.  You have to catch it yourself. 

~Benjamin Franklin


Right O Benny Boy.

That is the beautiful thing about this country. We have opportunities that are unthinkable in other parts of the world.


With that though, I think we may have forgotten the other side of the coin in this inalienable right:


With the right to make a complete success of yourself you also have the right to be a complete screw up.

You have the opportunity and the right to be lazy, thoughtless, ill-prepared, reckless, even stupid.

You have the right to throw your life down the toilet if you so choose.


It would be wonderful if all people had enough love and respect for themselves and each other to live honorably and responsibly, but we, as Americans, do not force anyone to make something of themselves. We only present the opportunity.

To my way of thinking, this is what is wrong with the bailouts.

You have the right to be stupid, greedy, short sighted and run your business into the ground regardless of how many others are peripherally affected by it. You just do. You have that right.

Bailouts are fear based. There might be a bit of a transition time, but in the long run we will all be better off and create more economic security by letting the stupid and the greedy fall, and allowing room for the next guy who wants it more, is smarter, and knows how to balance his books.


My lawyer brought me over to her Process Servers home/office. This is a gritty, no nonsense family business led by 'Granny', who oh yes, is packing, and could nail the head off a rattlesnake with one shot. In the course of conversation with these slightly frightening, but really nice women, one asked "Can I overpay myself, not pay my bills, run my business into the ground and then ask for a bailout?"

We all know the answer is no.

We also know that over 80% of all jobs in America are created by small business.

I think we can all do the math and see the obvious here.


If you are not willing to get involved you lose your right to complain. Simple as that.

Please join me in writing an old fashioned letter to the powers that be and tell them what you think.

Believe me, it does make a difference in future policies and actions.


Wishing you the best,


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